Everything you wanted to know about hair

During even one day of seeing an endocrinologist, not one, and not even two women come for an examination for hair loss (alopecia). And lately, children have been brought in more often with hair loss. 🙁

“Regular analyzes” do not always help to find out about the causes of hair loss, and here the spectral analysis of hair (spectrogram) comes to the rescue, which helps to find out which specific elements are missing or in excess in the hair and what causes their loss. This analysis is also called “a comprehensive study of trace elements”, in our center it is carried out.

In the human hair, information about the mineral composition of the whole organism is “recorded”, a kind of “mineral passport of the organism.” Therefore, the spectrogram is a good help to the doctor, along with the standard examination (hormonal, clinical blood test, biochemical blood test, analysis for giardia / helminthiasis).

The spectrogram allows you to clarify the type of hypo- / or hypermicroelementosis, in other words, the ratio of microelements in the body. Hypo – lack, hyper – excess.

On the correction of disturbed elements, an individual program of vitamin therapy and diet therapy will be drawn up. Analysis of these elements by blood does not always show their lack or excess, since the level of any element in the blood remains stable for a long time!

The advantage of the spectrogram is that the hair does not provide momentary information about the composition of elements, such as a blood test, but a stable picture of “accumulated elements” in your body over several years!

For information: out of 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, 81 are found in the human body.

12 elements are called structural, since they make up 99% of the elemental composition of the human body: C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, CI.

Trace elements (ME) are elements that are present in the human body in very small, trace amounts, but are also extremely necessary for the body. These are primarily 15 irreplaceable (essential) ME: Fe, J, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, V, Se, Mn, As, F, Si, Li, as well as conditionally essential: B, Br …

Elements: Cd, Pb, Al, Rb are serious candidates for essentiality.

In total, 40 trace elements are determined in the spectrogram, some laboratories offer 25 trace elements for determination (which, in principle, is enough for diagnosis).

How the patient is prepared for spectral hair analysis – it is recommended to stop using medicated shampoos (anti-dandruff containing zinc or selenium), medicated lotions 1-2 weeks before the hair is donated.

Technique for spectral analysis of hair: hair is cut on different parts of the scalp (on the occipital, parietal, temporal, central regions). You need a strand of hair 3-5 cm long, a bun 2-3 mm thick.

Now a little about the causes of loss associated with a lack of micronutrients. For example, the cause of alopecia areata, that is, hair loss in areas, locally, is more often – a deficiency of K (potassium), Na (sodium), Fe (iron), Se (selenium). Alopecia totalis (complete hair loss) – zinc (Zn) deficiency. Diffuse alopecia (scattered throughout the head) – deficiency of K (potassium), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese).

The most common deficiency in the world is: Cr (chromium) – 3.0 billion people; J (iodine) – 1.0 billion people; Se (selenium) – 1.0 billion people; Fe (iron) – 1.0 billion people; Zn (zinc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinc) – 4.5 billion people; Cu (copper) – 3.8 billion people.

The question is – what are the reasons for the violation of mineral metabolism? There are many of them, there is even a classification of microelementosis: congenital (with microelementosis of the mother during pregnancy), hereditary (mutation of the gene responsible for the balance of this element), natural (excess / or lack of an element in water, food, etc.), man-made (associated with human production activity), iatrogenic (as a result of any disease).

You can already come to the doctor’s appointment with a ready-made spectral analysis of the hair. And not to continue to swallow “handfuls” of multivitamins, both Russian and imported, but to correctly select the missing element and vitamin, in the required dose.

The effectiveness of therapy, of course, will have to be monitored by a repeated spectrogram.