And again about the “dislike” for diabetes

…… And again we will talk about type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). This entire article will be built around this picture. Look at her carefully. On the one hand, it is very joyful, what a huge range of antihyperglycemic drugs, what a great opportunity to correct hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. But on the other hand, out of these 9 drug groups, only 4 groups actually treat metabolic disorders.

Only these 4 groups (the group of metformin-biguanides, GLP-1, thiazolidinediones, α-glucosidase inhibitors) can prevent the development of prediabetes-diabetes.

Doctor making blood sugar test. Smiley face

But if the T2DM mechanism is launched, and this happens with constant fasting hyperglycemia of more than 7.0 mmol / L, it will not be possible to reverse the disease! Further, only the relief of T2DM symptoms will occur. And this is done with the help of the remaining 5 groups, which include insulins.

I am not belittling the merits of these drugs, they are extremely important, they prolong life and delay the development of complications.

But almost no cure (in the sense of pathogenetic, causal therapy of T2DM).

What I want to say – the BASIS of T2DM TREATMENT is:

DIET and weight loss.

MODEL RELEASED. Blood glucose test.

Sport or primitive physical. load in the form of walking (10 thousand steps per day).
Control of existing arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia (disorders of fat metabolism).
And only in 4th place is the correction of blood sugar, which may NOT BE NEEDED when losing weight and sports!
I will not tire of repeating that T2DM is YOUNGER, generations of children are already being born, whose relatives have accumulated OBESITY and T2DM on both lines of the mother and father, such children are exposed to T2DM already at the age of 12, sometimes even earlier.

This can be understood if a child with a sharp weight gain is given an oral glucose tolerance test with blood sampling for insulin + c-peptide at all three points of the test (fasting – after 1 hour – 2 hours after eating). And additionally antibodies to GAD (GAD) on an empty stomach.
The test result will show if there is a genetic predisposition to diabetes mellitus and obesity.
Conclusion – it is necessary to teach children to proper nutrition from the period of transfer from breastfeeding :), and to sports – after “standing up firmly” 🙂 And encourage the child – not with sweets, pies, rolls, but with books and attention.